Tm Shanmai Subsector

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Tm Shanmai Subsector
Lowton Tur Kikak

Tm Shanmai style="width: 250px; height: 350px; border: solid 1px black;"
map from

Sector Luretiir!girr
No. of Stars 21
Majority Control Gathering of Kirgia - 57%
2nd Control Non-Aligned - 37%
3rd Control Human Client State - 6%

Subsector A of Luretiir!girr Sector.


Located on the spinward frontiers of K'kree space, this subsector has a long history of slow-burning conflict, diplomatic near misses, and political posturing. Credited (apocryphally, according to many) with being the location of the first contact between Vilani and K'kree and the genesis of the Gathering of Kirgia, this subsector still includes Gathering worlds, almost as many supposedly independent systems, and two systems considered part of the enigmatically labeled Human Client State (currently the Saga Isles), most of which is in adjacent Rattler Subsector.

The subsector's most common name comes from the Akeena Union in adjacent Gateway Sector, whose linguistic foibles are easier to pronounce than the K'kree term for the region and more consistent than the studied chaos of the Clients' approach to names.

Aside from the studied arrogance of Kirgia and the even less predictable Clients, the highlight here is the lively belter community at Bob (Luretiir!girr 0708).

No further information yet available.


Tm Shanmai Subsector/summary

No world articles for this Tm Shanmai Subsector


History & Background[edit]

The Austen Group at Banserada makes a good profit from trade passing from the Akeena Union into Tm Shanmai Subsector.


  • Non-Humans:

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.